Webinar Technology from Sage

Smooth Course Resourcing with Talis CourseFlow

June 20, 2024 (EDT)

Each year, the academic library has a huge task of providing the right books and resources for each course being taught at their institution, ensuring enough copies for equitable student access. However, getting visibility of resources that faculty assign in their course lists and knowing which resources to put on reserve, is not always easy.

Talis CourseFlow is a new affordable Resource List Management Solution by Technology from Sage that streamlines course resourcing. Faculty can easily create and structure course resource lists on Talis CourseFlow to give your library full visibility and reporting on resources being used, while connecting students directly with your library holdings from within their course lists.

What the webinar covers:

Watch back this introductory webinar to learn how Talis CourseFlow:

  1. Connects faculty to open access or library subscription content when creating course reading lists.
  2. Provides equitable student access to library holdings or open educational resources via their course lists.
  3. Streamlines collection management and course resourcing for your library to ensure course materials are acquired, highlighting librarian skills and expertise.
  4. Integrates specifically with OCLC WMS to enable faculty to put items on Course Reserve with our upcoming module.

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We’re pleased to be sponsoring IGeLU. If you’re attending, drop by stand to meet Adam Barry, Development Manager and Steve Smith, Senior Development Manager from the Technology from Sage team.

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