Lean Library

Resource access and workflow services

Take your library to your patrons

Lean Library puts your library on your patrons’ shoulder via one easy-to-use extension on their browser. Lean Library simplifies online access to library content and open access alternatives, and embeds library collections and services into the patrons’ workflow – whether they start on Google Scholar, PubMed or beyond.

  • Streamlines access to library content and resources, increasing patron usage
  • Unlocks access to free content, saving money
  • Seamlessly integrated with popular tools like Google Scholar and PubMed
  • Brings the library discovery service to patrons’ preferred search tools
  • Puts library guidance and instruction on any academic resource or website online
  • And more…

Lean Library has a free, basic, upgrade and premium option

Lean Library Open
Lean Library Open

Free version of the browser extension that any students and researchers can download to unlock over 30M+ open access resources – even if their library doesn’t subscribe to Lean Library.

Lean Library Access
Lean Library Access

Our basic offering for libraries that simplifies online access to library content and open access alternatives. As the most comprehensive solution of its kind, Lean Library Access helps libraries drive usage and save money.

Lean Library Workflow
Lean Library Workflow for LibGuides

Our upgrade package exclusively for LibGuides customers. On top of Lean Library Access features, Lean Library Worfklow for LibGuides also powers up your LibGuides in your patrons’ workflow.

Lean Library Futures
Lean Library Futures

Our premium new service bringing all of your library into your patrons’ workflows, increasing usage and relevance of your library services and resources. Lean Library Futures has all the features of our other options plus more.

Browse other technologies in our suite

Reading and authoring

Give library patrons an easy and intuitive way to discover, read, annotate, write and share research with an award-winning online reference management tool. With intuitive and customizable features that enable collaboration, Sciwheel is where research comes together.

Talis Elevate
Collaborative annotation

Encourage student collaboration and engagement with a platform that brings discussion into the heart of teaching materials. Talis Elevate enables collaborative annotation in 17+ content types, while giving academics insights into student interactions to fine-tune teaching.

Talis Aspire
Resource list management

Create and manage resource lists with an online platform used by over 100 universities worldwide. Talis Aspire connects faculty and students with relevant library holdings and integrates seamlessly with your existing systems – streamlining acquisition decisions for your library.

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